Useful Links
Below you will find a list of useful links, simply click on the required link and you be directed to a new page.
The Road Users Handbook
Practice Driver Knowledge Test (DKT)
Guide to Completing a Learner Driver’s Logbook
Step by Step Guide to Roundabouts
New South Wales Road Rule Complete
A Guide to the Driving Test
Hazard Perception Handbook/Test
Driver Qualification Handbook
CLient testimonials
It has been an absolute pleasure teaching the all my students. Watching them achieve & grow into confident drivers gives me so much satisfaction. The independence they have gained after receiving their licence & wondering why they didn’t do it earlier!!!

Due to incidents in my youth, I lacked any confidence that I would ever learn to drive and had resigned myself to that fate. After years of thinking that way, I finally decided it was time to overcome it and learn to drive.
I was very fortunate that I met Nicole. Her calm and reassuring guidance gave me the confidence to believe that I could actually do this. After several months under her tutelage, I passed my test and got my licence.
Thanks to Nicole, I now love driving and enjoy the freedom it brings me.
The Entrance

As I am a driver over 25 years, I don't need to have hours up before going for my licence. Nicole has know me for some time & asked how my driving was coming along. My plans were just to wing my test!!! There was no way Nicole would let me go for my test under those conditions, after a 1 hour lesson I learn't how to do reverse parks perfectly, 3 point turn & I now know what a 3 second gap is. I passed my test first go, thanks heaps Nicole for giving me all the tips
Blue Haven
When you register for the first time on our booking platform YLOODrive (above), you’ll need to set up a default collection address using one of the three options below where we can collect you.

Toukley Services NSW

A carpark next to Hungry Jack's Tuggerah on Anzac Rd Tuggerah
Have questions?
Are you ready to take the wheel and start learning to drive on the Central Coast?
Then get into gear and contact us today!
Call Nicole on 0413 428 756 to schedule a driving lesson
Lesson Hours: Spotto Learner Driver operates between 7.00am to 9.00pm Wednesday to Sunday
Make a Booking
Serviced Areas
Spotto Learner Driver covers areas from
Budgewoi, Chittaway, Gorokan, Hamlyn Terrace, Lake Haven, Noraville, Toukley, Tuggerah, Wadalba, Warnervale, Wyong
Spotto will pick you up from home or school or other approved place. If there is a learner that is out of area & would like to learn with Spotto, they are welcome to meet me at another preferred location.